Donations given to Sandcastles Children’s Museum are tax deductible and greatly appreciated!
How Donations Are Used
Donations are used to build new exhibits, fund educational programs such as robotics or computer coding, provide free museum passes to organizations servicing those in need, provide outreach for our water safety project, fund maintenance on the building, and so much more. Donations given to Sandcastles Children’s Museum are tax deductible and greatly appreciated!
Ways to Donate
Click on the blue “Donate Now” button and donate with a credit card. You will receive an emailed receipt automatically!
Mail a check to Sandcastles Children’s Museum, PO Box 595, Ludington, MI 49431
Take a check to Sandcastles located at 129 E. Ludington Avenue, Ludington
Give a donation directly to our Endowment Fund with the CFMC (Community Foundation for
Mason County). This fund focuses on sustainability making sure we are here for future generations. If you choose to support this fund, write “Endowment Fund” on your check memo, or click here to give via the Community Foundation’s webpage. Under “specific fund” scroll down until you see Sandcastles Children’s Museum Endowment Fund, then complete your donation.
Recognition of Giving
Each named level of giving is acknowledged on one of the donor boards in the entry of the museum. All donations accrue so those who donate move up to higher levels as their donations increase.
$50,000+, Life member (Includes individuals attending with the donor)
$25,000+, Life member (Includes familly attending with the donor)
Bricks and Mortar
Building Block
Questions? contact Gwen Adams, Executive Director, at (231) 233-9326 or via email at director@sandcastleschildrensmuseum.com
“My friend has travelled the world - 40+ countries. She told me they had never seen a children’s museum like Sandcastles. It made me so proud to know this special place is right here where I live.
I have no idea how you make the magic, but I know it’s special and I want to support it!
— Julia Vander Ploeg